Kevin Martens Wong

Kevin Martens Wong is the gay, non-binary Kabesa (Leader) of the Kristang / Portuguese-Eurasian community in the Republic of Singapore, and the Omimerliang (Merlionsman) and Tigrisoneru (Dreamtiger) of Pulau Ujong: a living human magnamakara or psychoemotional gate guardian supporting the psychoemotional well-being of all peoples regardless of race, language, religion or sexuality as an independent scholar, teacher and speculative fiction writer. He is the developer of the Osura Pesuasang, the Kristang theory of human individuation collected in the Libru Laranja or Orange Book (, and publishes new plays, poetry and prose in English and Kristang at Tigri sa Chang (

Poetry by Kevin Martens Wong
  • Post-traumatic stress sonnet of the Indigenous archeoastronomer